
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

hedgehog woes

Yikes!! soooo, a week or two ago we noticed a weird sore on our hedgehog's leg, didn't look too good and was getting bigger so decided to take him to the vet. That in and of itself was a challenge, because apparently not many vets specialize in pocket pets, a category of which hedgehogs fall into. Six phone calls later i tracked one down and made an appointment. Ok , so initial visit $42.00. It's reasonable, after all he's family, can't let him be all sick. All we were told at the appointment though is, "hey your hedgehog has something on his leg." uh yeah... think i had figured that part out. Alright, well, scheduled another appointment for surgery for today. That was hard. Hedgie is cute and all, but he's a rodent, not even a dog. In the end we went for it. $400.00 later and i am wishing we had had a dog instead, cause at least the i could actually feel like i'm spending the money on something that loves me. Worst time possible too with the rent due soon. A friend said she could bail me out, for which i now owe her my undieing gratitude. Homer the Hedgehog seems happy though. He is wandering about his enclosure with not even a limp to suggest there was anything wrong. I am glad he's ok. He really is adorable.
On another note, I should find out tomorrow if I got the job i've gone to 3 interviews for. I have a feeling of trepedation. I really want it in one way, because it would be something different and new. I really don't want it in another, because it's a position of major responsibility and is going to require a fairly large change in lifestyle in some ways. Plus then i'd have to call the other place and tell them I'm not coming after all. I'm such a chicken. I'm very much hoping they'll call me one way or another and not just leave me hanging, wondering what happened.
Well, i guess that's all the drama in my life right now. Nothing too exciting , but that's ok by me!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

ok well, here are some pics from my exodus to the homeland Arcata. It was a lot of fun. we visited the beach and went searching the tide pools. that's top left 2 pics and bottom right pic. Also there's the giant paul bunyon, complete with anatomically correct big blue ox, that at the trees of mystery. the other pic is of my friend magnus and carin at the party we had down there. they're eating a truffle. (in case you're wondering)
all in all a lot of fun. hung out with some people. met a few new people. both of them lots of fun and entertainment. tried some different wines and actually found a few i like. it was a good weekend,and a good birthday.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

24 and employed

Well what a week this has been. Although, i guess it's been pretty normal. Misa and my planning came to fruition in the form of spirit week. Our little papermache creatures were found to be adorable, strange as they were. It kinda got taken over by the lady who does all the facilities stuff, but was still fun. Tomorrow is P.J. Day. We're having root beer floats. yum. Then the long weekend , Huzzah!! I'm off to Arcata to hang out with my friends and have a weekend long birthday celebration. 24 years old , nearly a 1/4 of a century. I wonder if i could possibly live to see 2100. I'd be like 112. Seems possible in this day and age, when lots of people are already living past 100. I guess we'll see. Today i got a call back from one of the places i applied to in a moment of weakness when i was feeling guilty about not having done anything to replace my current job. They offered me a position. I'm not entirely sure about it, but i accepted because it seems like it could be pretty cool. Just another customer service gig, but it'll pay the bills. Not a minute after i got off the phone, i got a call from the other place i had applied to for exactly the same reason. They want me to come back for a 3rd interview. I guess i'm in the final 5. This job would be very beyond the scope of what i have experience in, but seems like it would be an awesome opportunity to expand my skills. I'm kinda excited that i've gotten this far. If i get it i'll have to call back the other place and let them know, which will be a little awkward, but the 2nd job is definitly worth it. Kinda nice to have one in the bag, and a better one a possiblity. So, all in all things seem good. I'm looking forward to the weekend and the year ahead.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

early morning

it's 7:30 am. Normally this means bright sunlight streaming through the drapes, lighting the house with a brilliant golden glow. Today dawned overcast, just the faintest blue toned hue permeates the living room, giving it an eerie cast. I've found my waking rhythms to be internal, not dependent on light at all. Thusly, i found myself staring at the drapery wondering just what time it was. the blankets were rather warm, didn't really want to emerge into the somewhat chilly air. I couldn't just lay in bed any longer though, so i got up. I've had a few things online i've needed to take care of for a while, got those done, played around a bit. Now i find myself staring out the window at the slowly dawning day. There's no traffic to speak of. Everything is painted in muted tones of green and blue and grey. It reminds me of mornings in Arcata, minus the fog. Perhaps it will be a reminiscent kind of day.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

allusions to yesterday

So, here i am sitting on the edge of my little blue bottle of oblivion, just a kickin' my heels. I'm waiting, waiting for Mr. Insanity Man to come flowing by on the wings of airplane vapor trails, and take me away to the land of light and dreams. Take me away to the land where shattered light rains down from incandescent skies, leaving leopard spots of sunlight shining up from the verdant meadows below. Meadows filled with velvet wildflowers and silken lawns, where every step would whisper against my skin with sensuous words. Words picked up and carried away to foggy remenisance by a burbling brook that meanders by me. I'd lean to look at what hides beneath the molten blue surface to find gummy bear fishes and peppermint lobsters. If I let my fingers traipse through the ice water currents I'd be swept away, lost to an ocean of vague rememberance and dream. Dreaming still i'd find myself on distance shores of shimmering sand, that glows even through the dark of night in a haze of golden fog. And everything is surreal, stained glass trees make brief sketches of darkness against the light, every leaf tinting the surrounding air with a brilliant green motes. But alas it is not to be, for, here i am , just a kickin my heels, waiting , just waiting for Mr. Insanity Man, and a rustle of airy wings.

Monday, May 15, 2006


My front porch is currently a complete mess. In the last week it has seen the creation of zillions of papermache creatures, the potting and repotting of plants and a good windstorm that blew all of the remnants of the affore mentioned all over. I have yet more paper mache creatures to build. It is a somewhat arduous task, and i have to admit, i lack some of the necessary artistic skills to make my creatures resemble anything in reality. So far my friend and i have come up with a bull, a hippo or possibly a capybara, a rather homely turtle, several catterpillars (easy to create from oblong balloons), and multiple egg shaped balls. All of these are going to be turned into mini-pinatas for party favors for a work function. So far we have 15 of the 30 necessary. Amidst the splotches of papermache goo dried on the concreate are miniature mountains of potting soil. I had the bright idea of a potted garden this year. Somehow it never occurred to me just how much dirt that was going to take. Nor did it really occur to me that i can't just spray down my porch with a hose because my downstairs neighbor probably wouldn't appreciate having mud washed down in torrents onto her patio furniture. I believe i am now faced with mopping my front patio. It's an idea i find amusing no end. Anyhow, i guess it's not really an issue till i'm done making a mess out of it.