
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Sunday, December 25, 2005

My space

hey here's my myspace link www.myspace.com/shoelaceofdoom

Saturday, December 24, 2005

blog jealousy?

Hmmmm... ever since i got my Myspace, i seem to be having a hard time getting into my blogspot. this is frustrating, because the myspace is fun for networking, but blogspot i like better for writing on. It could be my computer.. there are many sites of late that seem to not be loading quite right and i do have the sinking feeling it's not something wrong with the website. grr. oh well. I just poured a hefty 350.00 into my vehicle with another 301.00 to go, so computer repairs are just going to have to wait i'm afraid.
Ahh and tomorrow is Christmas, the holiday season has almost run it's course. We kinda went the easy way this year and just ordered stuff from a catalogue for most of our family. They were fun food presents though. No one will let me open my presents early. sigh. doesn't any one know i can't stand suspence? heeheehee. ahh well.
Hope every one out there has a great weekend!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Sweet Victory!!!

Ha HA! I have vanquished the Firewall that so sorely wanted to keep me from posting. I know my firewall is just protecting me and what not, but it's a bit like an over bearing parent that keeps you from learning anything because they are afraid the dangers of the world will get you. What good is an internet connection if i can't get to anything on the internet? sigh i know with just some patience i can fix it, as i did this time, but still it gets tiresome at moments.
hmmm been a while since i last posted. let's see... just got home from club, and was all hungry , made meself some noodles. mmmm noodles. it's like 3:30 in the morning. i should definitly probably be asleep. life has been pretty much same old. Christmas is coming. Whoo. heh, i am thouroughly disgusted with all the crazies that can't decide what to be offended by next. Just poured a small fortune into my car. that was fun, now the problems i knew about are fixed but a new one has developed, and it is called Master Cylindar. grr. Cars are really just visible black holes you know.
Got family coming tomorrow. always good.
ok blah i guess i will just go to bed after all. Good night!

Monday, December 12, 2005


The yesterday my life seemed full of frosting... I had frosted flakes for breakfast, I scraped and inch of frost off my brother's windshield, I crunched through layers of frosty fallen leaves, and watched frost vines grow on the window panes next to my computer. I spent an hour traversing the malls where people gave me frosty stares as they hustled by, trying to get to that next perfect sale. I nearly crashed my car when my tires slid on the frost-slicked road when some unthinking driver pulled an illegal u-turn at a light. I arrived safely home, however and made sugar cookies. I ended my day painting the cookies with vividly dyed green, red,yellow and white frosting.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Frozen december

Wow, so I just got to work. It's absolutely frozen outside, even wearing gloves my hands were just burning with cold by the time I finished the dash from the parking lot to the building. Now I'm clutching my tea much, trying to coerce the hot molecules of the mug to share some of their warmth energy with my icy finger molecules. We'll see how that goes.

 I've finally decided that it is very much time to make a computerized version of my address list. I've resisted this in the past, as I generally do for some reason. I still like paper more than electronic memory. However, I keep losing my address lists, and so the time has finally come to get them all saved on my computer. This is something of a challenge as at this point I've got a kazillion little lists everywhere. Some are at work, others are at home. I think I may even have one in the glove compartment of my car. I've started the file and it's got all the addresses I have memorized or that were already on my computer for one reason or another. Those ones were already safe though. I figure that'll be my project this weekend. I wonder how many addresses I'll have. Seems like the majority of people I know these days live somewhere else. Family is all throughout the states, and I've lived all over the west USA so many friends are scattered about as well. I had the best list right before my wedding when I had to send all my invitations out. I really thought I'd put it somewhere safe, but then we moved and I haven't been able to find it since.

 I've also thought recently of committing all of my poetry to the digital world. Not sure about this though. There turns out to be quite a bit of it. Also then it's all somewhere where other users of my computer could find it and read it. Granted most of the people that use my computer have read most of the things I'd be putting on my computer. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Oh well.

 Yay I can finally feel my fingers again. Guess that means it's time to get to work!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Broken Arpeggios

Fingers trail over the keys of a distressingly out of tune piano, tripping on broken keys. A discordant melody stumbles from the ancient strings, halting and fragile. Rain pounding on windows falls eerily in time with the hesitant music. The pianist sits slouched on the wooden bench, stares without focus into cobwebbed shadows. His foot taps faintly on the cracked wood floors, the shine of his shoes oddly harsh against the faded grain. He knows he has to go soon, life will not wait and he has much to do, but this moment is his. And so the day drifts by,uncaring listener to broken arpeggios and shattered songs.