
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Sunday, February 26, 2006


It always seems like there's really nothing changing in my life. Everytime I sit down to write I think, "Wow nothing has happened this week." Really though, this is not true. All sorts of changes abound. My younger brother moved out last week. Took a giant step in the world of adult hood and traveled hundreds of miles from family to get a place near friends in Arizona. I find it slightly amusing that when I lived in New Mexico everyone seemed to think I lived in Arizona, and now my brother does. His room is clean and empty now of anything that marked it as his. Well, except his fish.. those I have inherited. Has been interesting, the tank was covered in algae. I got a couple of snails and they seem to slowly be improving the environment. I am also somewhat tempted to dump my beta fish in with the rest of them, but I'm too afraid they'll kill eachother to do it. At least then I'd just have one fish tank to deal with. Anyway, Brother made it safely to AZ , with just a few mishaps, and seems to be enjoying himself so far.
We are expecting a new room mate. It's just a temporary situation as she is between houses, so she will be filling the space of the second room for about a month or so. I really like having an extra room about. Makes you feel prepared for anything, unannounced family and friend visits and/or emergencies, storage of furniture, just a place to chill quietly.
Elsewhere in life, it seems that at work we're entering the weird prestages of preparing to close yet again. In that odd limbo where it's just a couple months before our center closes and it feels like we should start looking for work again, but at the same time, really too early to be able to make a commitment to a new employer as we won't be done until mid june. It's a tiny bit frustrating in that looking for a new job sucks, but at the same time you just want to have it done. I'm not sure yet where I'm going to look. I'd like to do something un-call center related , but really the place where the money is in this valley. ah well I guess we'll see.
I found kind of a cool website the other day. Of course now I can't remember what it is, but once i find it i'll put a link on here. Basically though it's an e-book site. I've often been curious about e-books. I like the idea a lot. My only issue is that I tend to get headaches reading on computer screens too long. I've been told this is solved if you have a palm pilot or one of the convertible laptops. I don't though so I would have to use my pc. Also no curling up on the couch in that senario. Ah well maybe someday.
Alright time to go, there are dishes yet to be done.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


I can feel it now, Spring is coming. Today it tiptoes timidly in among the clouds in the form of shatteringly bright bursts of sunlight. Each shard shoots down and dances over the water logged earth. How cheerfully it cavorts, glorying in its return to Earth. The trees seem not quite ready to believe. They have begun to bud, but hold their breath, wanting the reassurance of a few more warm days and unblemished sun. Still, returning songbirds warble merrily this morning. New nests are quickly forming in the yet barren branches. Cloud washed daylight pours in my windows, grey with the remnants of winter, but tinged with the gold of springtime days. My world is quiet but for birdsong. The heater has silenced its winterlong work.

Alone, I bask in the pale bath of light. Savoring the moment is all I want. Soon enough it is time for work, for Sunday chores and visiting friends. For now though, I can watch curled cat-like at the window sill, while the world awakes from winter slumber.