
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Corporate automaton

There is no cause for complaint,
Nor a folder in which to file one,
Should such a thing attempt to exist
No, there is only
Head down, eyes blank
But for the blue-computer-screen shine
Reflected therein.
Tendons sliding smoothly
Beneath paper skin
Fingers flickering over the keyboard
Filling the silent void with empty clicks
The only shade of humanity;
the occasional hissed breath
Reflexive downward twitch
of nearly immobile lips
indicative of a scream
never to be uttered,
nor even imagined

by such a dedicated being

On the way to work..

Alight in the whirl
Swirling leaves dance
Dance around me in the frigid air,
Delighted by my delight.
And all the while..
I walk through the darkness,
The quiet, the night.
The night that is breaking to dawn,
But still holds the day away.
Holds it with a charming smile
And a shadowed heart,
The sinful art of leaving
While still, somehow, being there.
My footsteps echo
Get lost in the rustle of my coat.
Wary eyes watch the world
In case there is something
On the edges of perception

Waiting to be seen.