
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Frozen december

Wow, so I just got to work. It's absolutely frozen outside, even wearing gloves my hands were just burning with cold by the time I finished the dash from the parking lot to the building. Now I'm clutching my tea much, trying to coerce the hot molecules of the mug to share some of their warmth energy with my icy finger molecules. We'll see how that goes.

 I've finally decided that it is very much time to make a computerized version of my address list. I've resisted this in the past, as I generally do for some reason. I still like paper more than electronic memory. However, I keep losing my address lists, and so the time has finally come to get them all saved on my computer. This is something of a challenge as at this point I've got a kazillion little lists everywhere. Some are at work, others are at home. I think I may even have one in the glove compartment of my car. I've started the file and it's got all the addresses I have memorized or that were already on my computer for one reason or another. Those ones were already safe though. I figure that'll be my project this weekend. I wonder how many addresses I'll have. Seems like the majority of people I know these days live somewhere else. Family is all throughout the states, and I've lived all over the west USA so many friends are scattered about as well. I had the best list right before my wedding when I had to send all my invitations out. I really thought I'd put it somewhere safe, but then we moved and I haven't been able to find it since.

 I've also thought recently of committing all of my poetry to the digital world. Not sure about this though. There turns out to be quite a bit of it. Also then it's all somewhere where other users of my computer could find it and read it. Granted most of the people that use my computer have read most of the things I'd be putting on my computer. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Oh well.

 Yay I can finally feel my fingers again. Guess that means it's time to get to work!


Blogger Meadowlark's Mind said...

I too froze from the train station to my office but I made it. The coffee was welcome and luckily I have no committments outside of the office till tomorrow.I am glad to see you writntg. Thanks Love Dad

11:34 AM  

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