
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Living technology

It amazes me sometimes the terminology we use to describe inanimate objects. It can make them sound like living things. In the process of helping a customer with his account I had to check on the status of cell towers in his area. One tower was having an issue and I was just amused by the way the service ticket was worded.  It literally said "there is a report of no heartbeat from this cell site."  Now in technical terms, I have no idea what a cellsite having a heartbeat means other than meaning it's not totally down. From the sentence above though it feels like we should be rushing life-vac helicopters out with electric paddles charged and ready. Perhaps that is exactly what feeling that phrase is supposed to elicit. Maybe it is supposed to get the adrenaline flowing and have you leaping into your car to get there ASAP! Or something is going to Die. If so, I think it works well. Perhaps if it were just a minor problem they would have said "the cell site is twitching" or "the cell site appears to have a slight fever." As yet I still don't have any clue what is actually wrong with the site but I doubt it can be anything good.


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