
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Monday, September 05, 2005

not ready yet for winter

as i stood outside chatting , the temperature dropped. soon icy fingers of air wiggled their way down my arms lifting goosebumps. shiver worked their way through me, starting out side, getting more turbulent on the way in until it was only with effort that i could keep my teeth from chattering. Though i was having fun, i longed to go as i was unprepared for such an early assault from winter. I had no jacket or source of warmth. Finally it was time to go. I linger my good byes as little as possible, then dash to my car. VROOM and a swath of warmth bathes my fingers and toes. I turn the heater to the hottest setting and the fan to full blast. i sigh of blessed contentment escapes me. I almost drive past the entrance to my parking lot, knowing as soon as i arrive my little oasis of comfort will end. I grit my teeth, Gas prices are much to high for foolish driving. I leap from the car and lope across the lawn. the chill night is quickly sapping my briefly garnered warmth. my fingers fumble the housekey at the deadbolt. I growl in frustration. Finally i am inside. it is relatively wamer. still i bundle up in blankets and tonight i think i will sleep with my socks on. It's too early yet to have the heater on inside the house, but it still is tempting.
I can't belive summer is ending. I was sooo enjoying the baking heat of mid day and the even better sultry nights. I could actually almost cry. I hate being cold. grr.


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