
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Monday, July 18, 2005


what inspires me?
My DAD, he's awesome... he writes on his blog every day. I've seen a picture of him chained to a bus, in protest of inaccessiblity. He's always inspired me to be something greater than i am.
My MOM, honestly, she's got these incredible ideas, and she's working hard to get them off the ground.
They both have incredible pasts that i find myself wanting to strive to live up to.
My brother MARK , we often debate but i admire that he is so sure of his beliefs, i only hope to be able to find something that i can have such faith in.
My brother JAMES, tho he makes us call him Walter now. He's driven and intense at times. He plays guitar and writes 2000 words a day... that's a lot of words... anyone should be inspired by that.
My brother CHARLES, if only because it turns out we are so alike and we've both made it this far. Plus his writing is better than mine so far.
My Husband DUSTIN, He's artistic, has a talent i can only wish to have. Plus somehow he can play a video game for more than 5 minutes at a time, inspires me to be more patient...
My friend JEN, she has a kid, she's single, it's amazing how much work that takes. I babysit sometimes.. i am constantly amazed that she manages that. I hope i can do as well if the time comes.
My friend CARIN, because with her i am able to be myself completely , and that inspires me to acheive that closeness in my other relationships.

honestly there are too many people to list. Everyone i have met and come to know in my life has given me some thing to strive for. Everyday struggles and stories bring new insite with every day. I hope I can inspire those around me, to find something in everyone to inspire them.


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