
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Friday, June 17, 2005

oh so sleepy

Eveything seems to be dragging along today. None of us got up early, we haven't really done anything other than go to the library. Yet all three of us seem to be wandering about in some sleep deprived haze. Maybe it's just the clouds outside. Maybe it's a weekend thing, although it's only friday. Either way, two of us are down for the count, taking naps. I continue on with my struggle to maintain consciousness, went to the store to grab a few things for dinner, got some books at the library. Now i'm writing on my poor lonely blog that never gets enough attention. I'm really rather amazed that i ended up here considering i have a lack of drive to do anything today. That's how my blog seems to get most of it's postings though. Just random moments of my time when there doesn't seem a pressing need to be doing something else. It's really nice right now. House is quiet, and i can almost imagine it's just me here, kicked back in my computer chair, feet up on the windowsill, watching the clouds grow darker outside. There is an oppresive feeling of impending storm. This summer looks like it's going to be filled with weekly tempests., not like the blazing, dry summer last year. So far we've had a few amazing lightening storms, one of which lasted hours and literally shook the windows. I love to watch the lightening. I'm a little disappointed that my digital camera is so slow. All the images i've tried to capture have been mediocre at best, if they come out at all. I'm sure there's a way to speed the capture time but i don't know what it is. Will have to search the manual. Maybe tomorrow.
Well, think i'll go read a book, see if i can stay awake long enough to watch the storm begin....


Blogger Meadowlark's Mind said...

Nice to see you attending to your Blog responsibilities--good entry.Nice visiting with you this weekend, hope you perk up a little. Have abgreat week and POST

9:26 AM  

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