
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Monday, May 16, 2005

through the window

I walked by a house the other day, one festooned with an outdoor garden that much resembled a miniature amazon forest. Upon looking closer at the house , i realized that the jungle-like front yard extended into the home itself. Being a balmy 70 degrees the inhabitant had opened all the blinds and windows. Through the glass, cascades of broad leafed and trailing vines could be seen. Pointed tips of verdant ferns edged the window sills. I can't even begin to imagine the amounts of miracle grow necessary to create such an indoor arbor. I was very impressed with the home owners botanical abilities. My plants are luck to get watered once a week. They rarely grow enough to need repotting. As passed i by i silently saluted the dedicated agricultural guru. Hats off to you!


Blogger Meadowlark's Mind said...

I wish you had a digital--this would have been a greta posting, however, the writings was splendid too--I Could see everything as you wrote them. What a pleasent expeience. Love Dad

7:20 AM  

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