
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Sunday, March 20, 2005

am ponderings

Just a few moments before i have to work. There are people sleeping in my living room, so my before work activities are somewhat limited to those that can be done without waking others. Tra la. Had Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast today. I like those, but i always pour myself too many. i forget that they swell up in the milk and then I have twice as much cereal as i had projected. This leads to half a bowl of cereal left in the sink, slowly coagulating into a strange form of yogurt. Gross. I'm really not a very tidy person, much to my room mates dismay. I'll admit i'm something of a clutter bug. It doesn't really bother me when small piles of paper grow into mini mountains on my kitchen table or the coffee table for that matter. I know that Eventually i will get tothose and organize them, or at least pick them up and put them in a box out of the way somewhere. Honestly my next big project should be to consolidate all of my boxes into one and get a paper shredder to discard those things that i no longer need , but seem to have to much personal information just to throw away. I'm so paranoid about identity theft now. You hear such awful stories about people losing entire savings, or credit cards being obtained in other peoples names. That's the one that really bother's me cause i seem to be flooded with those annoying preapproved offers. It worries me cause it seems like anyone could get access to those (probably on my mailman really) and fill them out with their mailing address and stuff. Strange that with all the technology we have that this is such an issue.
Ahh well. I think i will get going now. Lots of customers to help out today i'm sure. Oh! Happy Spring! today's the first day! May there be sunshine and warm weather for everyone!!! especially the southern californians. they could use a dry day or two. : )


Blogger Meadowlark's Mind said...

Happy Equijox to you

7:27 PM  

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