
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

a moment between moments

has a moment or two to spare so thought i'd drop a word or two into the inifinite sea of endless code that is the internet. it's gorgeous outside all glowing with pale winter sunlight. a little deceptive as it's really not all that warm. Soul is though, freed from the soggy greys of midwinter for a day and the soul practically burns with delight. wish my car had a sun roof. well, actually it does but it's more of a sun crack as it just kind of lifts up, rather than sliding back. It's actually a perfect day to go questing for a new car, but also perfect to do nothing at all but play at the park or wander about outdoor shopping malls. Scary though, this incredible taste of spring time, because i get soooo excited only to be plunged back into the dreary depths of bleakness come mid february.
well my moment is up, adios!


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