
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Saturday, April 16, 2005

pondering fashion

it's amazing sometimes, what i let myself get talked into. yesterday a friend of mine was going to get some acrylic nails put on. She wanted to know if i wanted to come along. I thought sure. I'll just get a simple manicure and some nail polish. An hour later i walk out with the longest fingernail tips i've ever had. It's really weird and i realize i need to practice saying no some more. I just got french tips so it's not like i'm wearing 3 inch hot pink nails or anything, but they are certainly akward. The guy who did my nails was totally rough with my fingers and so all of yesterday not only could i not figure out how to grab anything with my newly extended digits, It hurt if i actually managed to. Gotta say, not worth 20 bucks . The experience was fun, hanging out with a chick friend of mine and doing something girly. It occurs to me now and then that a lot ofmy friends in grade school were guys. I high school i had a few chic friends but none of us were terribly into clothes or makeup. Certainly at the time there were better things to think about. I wonder if i've missed some vital thing to femininity though. Ladies at work will ask about this or that design or piece of clothing and i am at a loss, sometimes can't even figure out exactly what they're discussing. I couldn't put eyeshadow on to save my life. Guess it doesn't really matter though, cerntainly there are still more important things to think about. Besides, not being a totally girly girl seems to save one a lot of time, money and pain. Hmm i wonder how i'm gonna get these off.


Blogger Meadowlark's Mind said...

Don't go changig or re-arranging...I love you just the way you are...

2:14 PM  

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