
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Saturday, May 28, 2005


You know what? I am so disappointed in our tv makers right now. Recently i have been introduced to two series , both of which are highly entertaining,only to find out that they are no longer running. The most recent of which is Firefly. My brother introduced me to this one. It has an awesome sci-fi western sort of atmosphere and an incredible cast. The scripting is well done and it is genuinly funny. It even finds time every now and then to sneak a moral lesson or two in. Fox network apparently did the show ill justice, airing it out of order so that it never really made sense when seen on air. Having watched the dvd of the series in the proper order though i must say it's pretty amazing. Lucky for me , this show's not entirely dead in the water. It's got a good sized fan base, myself included now :) There's a movie based on it coming out in september that looks promising. For those looking for more info a good website is www.fireflymovie.com
It's a fan based website but very well put together and has some great ideas about promotion. This is a great series , Check it out.
The other show that I have come to love but now mourn it's demise is Dead Like Me. It's a dark humor comedy. It has 5 main characters that work in the afterlife as grim reapers, making sure the dead end up where they belong. I can only watch a couple episodes at a time because , even with the laughs, it can be depressing at times. Still it is a shame it was canceled. Unlike Firefly, there is very little movement to get the series restarted. In fact i'm having trouble finding info on release dates for dvds of the remaining season and a half left that hasn't made it out yet. If anyone reads this that has some info post a weblink please.


Blogger Meadowlark's Mind said...

I'll do some checking roumd--if I find out anything I'll post. Have a great birthday...all my love Dad

8:29 AM  

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