
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

an end to possibilities

I found out today that a friend of mine has died. He'd been in a motorcycle wreck about a week ago but had been recovering steadily, until apparently , he destabilized and died sometime this morning. I hadn't seen him in a while, ran into him every now and then around town. He was an awesome guy and fun to hang out with, but he'd recently quit from work so i didn't see him very much anymore. The weirdest thing occured to me too, and i'm still not sure how i feel about it. I'm really not sad for him that he's dead... if that makes sense. I'm pretty certain that there's more out there after this, and good or bad, he's got new adventures to go have now. No, mostly i was sad cause now there's no more possibilites that i'll go to club and he'll be at the table near the door, or that i'll drop by shari's and he'll be there with his girlfriend. Before, even if i never actually ran into him for the rest of my life, there was still the chance it could happen. Now there isn't any. I guess that's mostly what all the sadness is about, the end of possibility. No more conversations, no chance meetings, no laughter, or sadness to be shared. Just done.
And just to get my opinion out there, Motorcycles are dumb.


Blogger Meadowlark's Mind said...

you have my sympathy. Death does seem to be the final curtian.

3:13 PM  

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