
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Monday, May 15, 2006


My front porch is currently a complete mess. In the last week it has seen the creation of zillions of papermache creatures, the potting and repotting of plants and a good windstorm that blew all of the remnants of the affore mentioned all over. I have yet more paper mache creatures to build. It is a somewhat arduous task, and i have to admit, i lack some of the necessary artistic skills to make my creatures resemble anything in reality. So far my friend and i have come up with a bull, a hippo or possibly a capybara, a rather homely turtle, several catterpillars (easy to create from oblong balloons), and multiple egg shaped balls. All of these are going to be turned into mini-pinatas for party favors for a work function. So far we have 15 of the 30 necessary. Amidst the splotches of papermache goo dried on the concreate are miniature mountains of potting soil. I had the bright idea of a potted garden this year. Somehow it never occurred to me just how much dirt that was going to take. Nor did it really occur to me that i can't just spray down my porch with a hose because my downstairs neighbor probably wouldn't appreciate having mud washed down in torrents onto her patio furniture. I believe i am now faced with mopping my front patio. It's an idea i find amusing no end. Anyhow, i guess it's not really an issue till i'm done making a mess out of it.


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