
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

right or left?

Would my life have been different if I had been born left-handed instead of right? Would I have interpreted the world with the opposite side of my brain, and come up with different answers than I had before? What if some simple click of a switch in DNA had gone the other way. Would History be changed. Perhaps I would have been less able to cope with stressful times. Perhaps I would have been more ambitious. I have some small ability to write with my left hand created painstakingly through practice and perseverance, and fostered by boredom. Does this leave me somewhere inbetween? I am, at times, an indecisive person. Is this perhaps because my mind is muddled between right handedness and left? Probably nothing would be different. Except for that time I sprained my left wrist. Then I would have struggled through, writing in 5 year old script with my right hand. Maybe I would have been more artistic. I write well, but visualizations are hard for me. They say the right side of the brain is better at that sort of thing. I guess it doesn't really matter, but it is fun to ponder.


Blogger Meadowlark's Mind said...

As long as you continue to be yourself--that;'s really all that matters to me. Have a great left or right...Love Dad

7:18 AM  

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