
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Knit pick

Yay, so in an effort to stave off boredom at work I've begun the process of learning a new hobby. I have already exhausted my current repretoire of origami projects. I still have tons of paper though, just nothing new to build. Somehow I never want to hone my skill, just get the basics down. Then I'm done, heehee. Origami though has much left to me, soon as I can find a book with new things to fold.

 Until then however, I have decided to fill my time with knitting. I got a little kit at target for 11.95 on sale. Was very cute, came with all the colors and patterns for yarn to make like a scarf and a hat. Now, as yet I've entirely ignored the patterns that the kit came with. I have no idea what the little symbols mean. Now I could just watch the DVD it came with, but that would be the easy way out. Instead I tried to figure out how to get the yarn to work right just from the directions in the booklet it came with. Not so very successful. I did manage to "cast on" which is kinda like making zillions of tiny slip knots on your needle. Not too bad, but from there the directions were no help. All sorts of "do this step in front of needle, but make sure to do this other step behind the needle and don't move this finger on the yarn or you'll die" well.... Something like that anyway. So I was being all frustrated with my evil yarn at work when one of my delightful co-workers took it away from me, luckily before I hurt myself, and fixed all the sad little half stitches I'd done. She showed me the right way to go about it. Now I've managed almost an entire scarf. Yay. Apparently there are like 60 other stitch forms I could use, and I could make entire outfits entirely from yarn, right down to the undergarments (itchy). However, I am entirely content with my one little stitch, looping away my day, creating endless length of cozy scarf.


Blogger Meadowlark's Mind said...

Do you every wonder if there is a surplus of scarfs, hatsand mittans...just from first time knitters. I bet there is even a statistic somewhere that say if you laid sll the scarves end to end you would have a scarf that would reach to Uranus and back--atleast once! Have a beautiful weekend love D.

6:57 AM  

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