daffodil adventure

there was a tame herd of deer just hanging out munching on daffodil sprouts.
Check out the size of this tree stump!! The person standing near it is about 5'4'' tall.
So this was our trip to Daffodil Daze. It's a spring festival held in the sleepy town of Shady Cove. I'd never been to Shady Cove, and was a little hesitant about getting lost, but it turned out to be pretty fun. We got there about 1pm. We had planned on taking the trolly they have that goes to all the cool stops on the daffodil hill trail, but there was an hour and a half wait, and there just wasn't that much cool stuff to do at the trolly hub. The festival volunteers offered a map and advised us that we were welcome to drive the path ourselves. So we did!! I have to say the drive up the hill was not terribly impressive. It had snowed the week before this and so the daffodils hadn't fully bloomed. There are supposed to be about a million planted all over this hill. It was still kinda cool, there were a lot of flowers out and about. About halfway up the hill there was a turn off and we accidentally turned onto that , read the map wrong. Down that turn was this little herd of deer. They were not in the least phased by our car. We made it up the rest of the way and at the top they're building this little walking path with streams and ponds and waterfalls. it's all totally fake looking, but in a good way. It's really peaceful, except for the canned music coming from the fake rocks. We all ended up with some old 80's love ballad stuck in our heads. There was this awesome piece of tree(see above pic). It was really gigantic. I can't imagine how big it was when it was still a tree. Must have been amazing. On our way to the little art show we missed our turn and ended up in the parking lot of a little bakery that just happened to be open. The delicious baking smells lured us inside, and everyone had to have some pastry or another before we could leave. It was really good. I had half a cherry cheesecake danish. Amazing. Yum. The art show, like much of the day, was kinda dorky, but also had some absolutely spiffy points. most of the artwork was same old same old, But there was one lady that did graphite sketches and they looked just like black and white photos. it was cool . I ended up taking home a rock shaped/painted like a frog. cute.
Anyway, that was our trip to Daffodil Daze in sunny Shady Cove. :)
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