
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Monday, July 18, 2005


From my porch i look out on the sunbaked world, quietly enjoying the looming heat of summer. This is what i have waited for all winter long, what i've desired since the beginning of this very damp spring. I close my eyes and i can still feel the molecules of sunlight streaming through my eyelids. I am already developing sandal lines along my ankles and toes. soon i'll have little patches of tanned skin popping out from the ghost images of my sandals , carved by the uv of a perfect blue sky.
Today has been relaxed. Like lizards in the desert, we hid indoors through out the heat of the day, only emerging once the sun began to set. With all the shades closed my house does truely begin to resemble a cave. Mostly the heat doesn't bother me. I've been walking to work and back the last while in an attempt to drop some weight. I've noticed that the heat bothers me far more when in my car than when i'm walking in it. Strange. somehow moving makes it better.
Think i'm getting sick though. Throat has been sore on and off today. Have been drowning in orange juice and ginger tea trying to stave off a summer cold. Made a good spaghetti sauce with a ton of garlic so maybe that will help.
The drama at work seems to be coming to a fever pitch. There have been soap opera quality break ups and triangles. A general work function has been slashed and combined with the company sponsored day at the fair. years before this didn't happen because the call center hours don't really work well for going to the fair. I think tho what's really got people angry is that a bunch of people took vacation time to go but the system screwed up and gave too many people time off so it revoked all of the vacation time for that day. Honestly it would just have been better to tell people that our summer even has been canceled and leave the fair out of it. might have been taken better. I just try to float along.
well off to bed. Gotta be up early for the trek to work tomorrow.


what inspires me?
My DAD, he's awesome... he writes on his blog every day. I've seen a picture of him chained to a bus, in protest of inaccessiblity. He's always inspired me to be something greater than i am.
My MOM, honestly, she's got these incredible ideas, and she's working hard to get them off the ground.
They both have incredible pasts that i find myself wanting to strive to live up to.
My brother MARK , we often debate but i admire that he is so sure of his beliefs, i only hope to be able to find something that i can have such faith in.
My brother JAMES, tho he makes us call him Walter now. He's driven and intense at times. He plays guitar and writes 2000 words a day... that's a lot of words... anyone should be inspired by that.
My brother CHARLES, if only because it turns out we are so alike and we've both made it this far. Plus his writing is better than mine so far.
My Husband DUSTIN, He's artistic, has a talent i can only wish to have. Plus somehow he can play a video game for more than 5 minutes at a time, inspires me to be more patient...
My friend JEN, she has a kid, she's single, it's amazing how much work that takes. I babysit sometimes.. i am constantly amazed that she manages that. I hope i can do as well if the time comes.
My friend CARIN, because with her i am able to be myself completely , and that inspires me to acheive that closeness in my other relationships.

honestly there are too many people to list. Everyone i have met and come to know in my life has given me some thing to strive for. Everyday struggles and stories bring new insite with every day. I hope I can inspire those around me, to find something in everyone to inspire them.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Midnight Release

so , I just got home from my first Midnight book release. I got talked into going to the release of the new harry potter volume by one of my friends at work. It was being held at the barns and noble next to my house , so i figured sure, why not? Now i have ready the harry potter books and did enjoy them, however not so much that i couldn't wait a little longer to read the next one. Sometimes i'm not quite comprehending of why we like standing in line , a little after midnight, to buy a book we're not going to be awake to read until tomorrow anyway. (perhaps there in lies my incomprehension, perhaps people go right home and read the novel?) Anyhow, we got to the store and were greeted by wall to wall confetti and a loud, milling throng of people. Confusion
immediately set it. As we walked through the doors we were each given a map of the store in terms of the harry potter world. Booths had been set up in various locations throughout with give aways and activites. Not sure of where we were supposed to go first, we lingered near
the front entrance trying to look like we knew what was going on. Luckily, a friend of a friend recognized me, and , veteran that she is, lead us to the check in desk where you sign in for a #
if you hadn't already pre-ordered the book. Jen got # 261 on a little orange bracelet. My payment for coming to this event was that i get to borrow the book from her when she's done so i did not obtain a #.Now that we had established our place in the pecking line we went to see what fun could be had.
The event apparently had actually started several hours
earlier. Several aisles were filled with casualties of excitement and long hours. Children of various ages lay littered about napping, while tired parents paged through books of the
nearby shelves. Frantic employees dashed from the back of the store to the front with dollies loaded down with boxes of books, preparing for the opening sale. People mingled drinking coffee from the attached starbucks.
Many of the events had closed down for the night as we were approaching zero hour, but a few were up and running. Jen and I got "sorted" by the sorting hat into a house of the fictional school. Jen and I ended up in Ravenclaw and jens son , Brian, in hummbledor.( pretty sure that's not the right name but i can't remember it anymore). We took our little name tag stickers, and thus sorted , made our way to the next locale. That happened to be the free stuff booth. I am now the proud owner of a pair of thick rimmed , black, plastic glasses, a green rubber bracelet with the date of the release emblazoned on it, a small poster, a temporary tatto in the shape of a lightening bolt , and some stickers. We took brian to the tables where he could make a wand out of straws , and pipecleaners. Being two, he didn't quite know what to think of it.
Jen and I wandered aimlessly for another fifteen minutes or so. Brian was too wired up to hold still while we sat , so claiming a place in an aisle wasn't going to work. We decided to give in and go get some coffee from the 'bucks. Jen just had a 50, but business was swingin so the cashier didn't blink an eye about breaking it. We both ordered large coffee drinks, the guy making em jokingly asked if we could please grab the iron mesh and close off the shop from the book storeso he could take a breath. The cashier got in on it and advised us where the switch to the mesh was. We all laughed, but the employees only a litte. A few tables had opened up so we sat and sipped at mediocre brews. the rest of the evening was a blur. Ran into an ex-coworker, and chatted a
while. As soon as midnight hit a giant roar went up in the bookstore, but we stayed put knowing there were a thousand pre-order customers between us and our copies of the book. every couple of minutes one of uswould dart in to find out how close to time to get in line was. The employees were amazingly efficient, creating small assembly lines so that books were scanned and ready to go in bags as each customer approached the register. We ended up at the front of the line right around 12:40am. 1260 people processed in just 40 minutes. pretty good. 31.5 people per minute. Poor crew is probably still cleaning up though. they are opening at 7 am.
Me, i am ready for bed.

and i wrote that final sentence 45 minutes ago.... at which point i found out that apparently there is not paste function on this blog??? a copy but not a paste..... after much work i ended up setting up my email function, pasting my post into my email, then re-edited there because the layout ended up weird, then emailed the post to myself, re-edited again because again the layout ended up weird. What the hell?? copy but no paste????? alright i'm done.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Happy weekend!! ahhh it is fourth of july weekend, and even though i don't really have any big plans, it does look like it'll be a good weekend. Think me and the fam will just relax a bit. Make some phone calls and check in with the long distance fam. always good to keep in touch. So the other night this machine at my blog three times.. i was not pleased and it has been suggested to me save my blogs on a word program before posting so that my blogs don't get lost that way. I should do that but seems like another little trial to keep me from actually posting. ahh well guess i'll just have to get used to it.
Turns out the blasting video game Zombies to bits can be rather entertaining. even if i'm not the one doing it. I get Easily involved in things i guess so i get all tied up in the suspense of whether or not there's a zombie behind that next door, or a weird mutant bug that's gonna try to spit acid at you. Those are especially not cool because they're invisible. The music just gets all eerie and that tells you that one is near by. Again i'm not actually playing these games myself , i just like to watch. I never actually get anywhere if i'm the one playing because i suck at video games, but some of the new onees really are like mini movies. Some of them not even that little.
There is much frustration on the players part though. Poor brother mine keeps getting decapitated. Not pleasant at all. REally seems anymore like the game makers are trying to make you end up with a high blood pressure problem. I mean putting your character in a cage with a giant super zombie, with cross bow armed regular zombies outside the cage hardly seems fair. After soo many beheading, and impalings , the treasure in the box just doesn't seem worth it...
anyway... happy fourth of july weekend every body!!