
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Sunday, March 27, 2005

everyone elses traditions

wow, it's really great that everyone else celebrates easter, otherwise i'd still be at work right now. It was extremely slow today, probably because everyone is busy running to this or that family function. Funny how it's usually a meal, be it brunch, late lunch or a giant ham dinner. guess a meal is a good way to spend quality time. Gotta say, we really did pretty much nothing for easter this year. We're all beyond the age of easter egg hunts, at least of the traditional sort (again how did we end up with eggs being hunted , was that before or after christ came back from the grave?) might be fun to go with an entirely commercial easter, fill the plastic eggs with candy and gift cards. We are having a good meal though, gonna barbeque steaks in the pouring rain. Should be an entertaining endevour. Actually the porch is fairly dry.
Well that's all. Happy easter to all.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

am ponderings

Just a few moments before i have to work. There are people sleeping in my living room, so my before work activities are somewhat limited to those that can be done without waking others. Tra la. Had Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast today. I like those, but i always pour myself too many. i forget that they swell up in the milk and then I have twice as much cereal as i had projected. This leads to half a bowl of cereal left in the sink, slowly coagulating into a strange form of yogurt. Gross. I'm really not a very tidy person, much to my room mates dismay. I'll admit i'm something of a clutter bug. It doesn't really bother me when small piles of paper grow into mini mountains on my kitchen table or the coffee table for that matter. I know that Eventually i will get tothose and organize them, or at least pick them up and put them in a box out of the way somewhere. Honestly my next big project should be to consolidate all of my boxes into one and get a paper shredder to discard those things that i no longer need , but seem to have to much personal information just to throw away. I'm so paranoid about identity theft now. You hear such awful stories about people losing entire savings, or credit cards being obtained in other peoples names. That's the one that really bother's me cause i seem to be flooded with those annoying preapproved offers. It worries me cause it seems like anyone could get access to those (probably on my mailman really) and fill them out with their mailing address and stuff. Strange that with all the technology we have that this is such an issue.
Ahh well. I think i will get going now. Lots of customers to help out today i'm sure. Oh! Happy Spring! today's the first day! May there be sunshine and warm weather for everyone!!! especially the southern californians. they could use a dry day or two. : )

Friday, March 18, 2005

impending pain

ahhh so i just got off the phone with my new dentist's office. i've been putting off making an appointment for the longest time. My last few dental experiences have not been pleasent to say the least and so i've been waiting for a cavity to become somewhat intolerable before making an appointment. I know this is not the smartest way to go about things. after all i'm sure the dentist would be much more enjoyable if i kept up with my dental work so that all i ever needed were cleanings. I even have insurance now that covers 80% of the cost so excuses are running rather thin. I did it though, now i have much poking and prodding to look foward to as of april 1st.
Sigh, bodies suck sometimes. I keep having double vision, mostly at night when i've been on a computer all day but sometimes when i've just been hanging out. I had it checked out at the eye docotor and he says it's not my eyes. Well, great. That means it's something else. So far i have had brain tumor or diabetes suggested. Neither one a very pleasant thought although if i had to chose i'd go diabetes. Although, eye doctor said could just be temporary eye strain and is why not showing up on his tests. I suppose next step is to go to a regular doctor and get some more poking and prodding done. This has been going on for over a year though and doesn't seem to be getting worse. Again, now i have insurance and no more excuses not to go. Seems like we're not supposed to have these issues till at least 40.
Annoying thing about insurance though is i can only access my website to find my doctors from work. I am not at work and usually when i am at work i don't have that kind of time. Guess i could access it from home but i don't know what the site is. I probably have it written somewhere. i checked my insurance cards. they were not entirely helpful. The blue cross blue shield website kept asking me for information i didn't have, and wasn't entirely sure how to acquire. I think i've kept all the info from when i first started working at my job though, i never do throw anything away.
lala anyway, guess i will go do some dishes or something equally constructive on this, my day off.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

hey here's a link to a pretty nifty blog, marks_thought.blogspot.com check it out.

truth or dare black jack

well , i just spent a most entertaining evening playing truth or dare black jack with my best friend. Usually we play truth or dare go to spain (a version of go fish in which you must speak with an irish accent and say go to spain in stead of go fish, also while collecting the most matches still remaing the basic goal it is very important to gather all of the jacks in the deck. ) as that game takes longer. In truth or dare black jack you win or lose games so fast it's difficult to keep track of who's been dared what and what dares have been vivisected. i usuallly win a lot. Or at least Trina ends up with most of the dares anyway. We played several games on the yahoo black jack website. had to do it that way since we live four hours apart. at the end she had 4 dares and i had a vivisect left. amazing. Highschool was awsome... dare go fish... dancing and the knowledge that in Utah... you can keep anything in the closet. (had to be there)
amazing the way little things come back and you realize how much you were touched by such things, not unimportant things, but things that were so a part of life that you just never realized how special those moment were. I was reading a post left by my dad tonight. I am amazed at all he has done in so many ways sometimes. I often hope that i can just do as much with my life as he has. We had the awsome saturdays, had to get all the chores done before we'd get to go, so we worked fast and hard saturday mornings, cause usually he came over around ten. Took all of us out, my brothers and me. We'd got to burger king and all get whoppers, back when they were just 99 cents. We'd talk forever about whatever, and he'd always listen.We never feared to voice any wild dream or boring story. never felt the moment of trepedation before talking to him that was felt with some adults, like grade school teachers. never wondered if we'd be brushed off.
sometimes i get sad, knowing i'm not really going to get that many more of those moments together. By phone yes, and we do speak a lot which i am glad of, but we live too far away to just get together on the weekends. Can't just call ahead and then swing over for dinner some wednesday night. I don't really want to move back to SLC but perhaps i shall have to strive harder to find ways out there. More than just once a year or so because that time is magic.
all my love family, all my love.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

frisbee afternoon

so i just played my first game of frisbee golf and it was fairly entertaining. definitly a good way to spend a sunny, saturday afternoon. We had the added challenge of a two year old who kept chasing after our frisbees and picking them up to bring them back to us. It was cute, but then we had to figure out where the frisbee had originally ended up. I must say, frisbee golf is not for those without a sense of direction. At least not the course we played on. It might have been so convoluted because they were trying to fit 27 holes onto a relatively small field. Often the hole that seemed the logical goal was actually belonging to one further away and the one you were actually supposed to be playing was no where to be seen or just far off in the distance. looking at the map i can see hole two is next to hole 6 but hole 3 is over by # 16. makes for a good walk.
Am home now though, and home is very good too. Sitting next to an open window, listening to the Garden State soundtrack with some Weezer mixed in here and there. I'm just kicking back in my Oh so Comfy compter chair. This has been a good weekend so far. Am kinda tired, went out on both Thursday and Friday nights. Tonight i'll stay in cause i have work in the morning, but i feel ready for it. I feel like i really made something of this weekend. Some weekends i just slug about my living room and maybe a clean a little. Then when it comes time to work again i just feel very blah about it. Feels like nothing but work ever happens in my life. This weekend though i spent some good time chilling with friends, and an afternoon in the park playing frisbee golf. My spirit feels like it got a good dose of happiness and sunshine. I recommend frisbee golf to anyone with a case of blahs and a sunny afternoon.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

fluff for brains

Staring at the computer screen...
i lost all the thoughts out my head.
Down they fell onto the floor
where they skittered about chattering happily,
an incoherent clamore.
With a sigh i leaned over
to play the game of pick up for the 7th zillion time today.
Try to put them back where they came from
but they always end up misarranged, much to my dismay.
Now they're all invisible.
It's just been that kind of day.
I think i'll just wander off to bed
and let those pesky thoughts get away.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

cool things to do on the internet

i've been starting at my computer screen for the last 5 minutes trying to figure out what would be interesting to do on the internet. we pay a small fortune for cable internet, seems like i should be making use of it. I can never seem to find anything to do. sure if someone i know is online i can chat with them and that is definitly nice. When left to my own devices though all i ever do is check my email and pay my bills. Could just be that i work all day at a computer and when i get home the last thing i want to do is get on a computer. I guess i use it to get directions and stuff too. mostly i just use it as a tool.

blah this is why i never blog, look at that. an entire paragraph of boring drivel about the boring internet. oh well. i tried.