
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Monday, August 14, 2006


I walked today, through space and time. So it seemed to me at least. Across the over watered lawns of my apartment complex, and across the busy streets I was so busy making sure that I didn't get run over that the sudden cessation of threat made me stop in my tracks. I had entered the realm of childhood seemingly by suprise. I had a desitination in mind, so the playground I needed to cross to get there was not unexpected, but the barrage of scents and images was entirely unexpected. There was a dirt 1/4 mile track to be crossed first. It was bordered by baseball diamonds and giant trees. The yard was empty, but it was easy to fill the spaces with pictures of childhood friends. There we were playing Unicorns in the soft summer grass. There we were playing kickball on the hard diamond field. I could almost hear their voices. My flip flops smacked the pavement lightly, carrying me further away from the present. Plastic playground equipment stood ready to be a princess' castle or a villian's mountain tower. My fingertips brushed the fabric of my skirt over my hip. I could almost feel my skin tingle from plastic slide burns of old. There is a half sphere jungle gym. I know exactly which bars would provide the best view of the playground, the better for planning strategy. I briefly paused, and wondered if I could still hang from my knees on the jungle gym. Instead I turned to the swings. Oh glorious vehicles of imagination, you were our spaceships and pegasi. There was never any doubt that if we could just pump hard enough we could fly. I sat for a moment, lost in the illusion, but I was expected and so moved on. The parking lot smelled of sun baked asphalt, astringent, but also oddly pleasant. The sun beat down and I quickly retreated to the covered walkway running along the classrooms. I let my fingers drift across the painted brick of the walls. It was warm, each bump smoothed by years of paint. I could see just where we would have lined up, waiting for a teacher to come collect us for the day's begin. For now they wait, darkened and quiet. As I came to the next street, and the flow of the present returned, I looked back. The playground stood silent and empty. All the visions of past friendships swept away by the sound of car tires passing by. I shook my head softly and walked on.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

summer day

Motes of dust shimmer golden in the sunlight, reflected from the depths of a thoughtful eye.I lean upon the porch railing watching summer drift by.
The first cool breeze of autumn rustles through my hair, tickles my sun-warmed shoulders. Chin in hands, elbows angled on the weathered wood,I fall blithly into the picture painted around me. A perfect Summer Day.
Two boys race by on bicycles that flash and whirr. Their cheeks bunch happily into smiles as they pass an old man walking slowly down the sidewalk. He wears a battered polo shirt and wrinkled shorts. Knobby knees are on proud display. A tiny terrier keeps pace, obvious master of the pair. It keeps watchful eye on a little girl that would approach if only she could find the courage. Her eyes shine with desire. Chubby fingers reach longingly for the wirey fur. A quick glance shows Mom is looking away. Now is the Moment! She toddles forward dertermined to have the pooch before he can get away. Alas, the movement catches Mother's eye, and the tot is whisked away. A purr of thunder rumbles distantly. The old man pauses, as does the retreating matriarch. All three of us turn our gaze westward. Mounds of darkness mirror the mountaintops below. They shift, and stretch upwards to form towers in the sky. We are all momentarily frozen watching the majestic scene, and then the rain begins to fall. Mother presses daughter's head to her shoulder and runs for her door. The old man, and the terrier wear similar expressions, noses wrinkled in dismay. Sheltered on my porch, a brief smile touches my lips. I decide to stay.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

interesting blog

I was just wandering about the blogverse this evening and I happened upon this blog http://gcs14.blogspot.com/ . It's written by an aussie EMT. It offers a pretty neat look into an everyday life in that sort of job. I enjoyed it. Give it a read.

On another note... interviewed at a major insurance company this week. Think they liked me. They called all my references that day. I'm ready to have a job. I've been bored for the last couple weeks. Was kinda hoping for something other than another call center, but it'll do. whee.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

another hobby please...

Alright so here I am. It's a little after midnight and I am bored to pieces. How can i be bored to pieces you ask.... well... alright.. not literal pieces.. but mental pieces. I could be asleep i guess, but that seems boring too. Instead i think i'll just whine for a while on my happy little blog. Poor blog.. i ignore it for days and days and then only visit it when i'm entirely out of other things to do. It really deserves better. It's always there for me, rarely down. Not like myspace... tried to write some messages to friends tonight, only to have myspace kill all the messages before they could get out the door. The world conspires against my having anything to do. Just you wait and see... i'll get halfway through this post only to have my computer freeze before i can hit the publish button. My cable is being all weird too.. the channels have rearranged themselves in my Tivo like device, while actually remaining right where they are in reality... this means if i want to record say.. Good Eats on channel 59, where it should be, i have to actually set my thing to record mtv's Cribs, which currently seems to think it lives on channel 59 at the same time. I can't believe i'm gonna have to call the cable company again.. actually... i guess i can believe it. of course all the network channels are fine, but there's nothing on those, which is why i got cable in the first place.
Lol ok, i can see this is just going to be a rant so i'll stop now. Huh, I actually got to do something. yay.