
the ordinary ponderings of a closet poetess

Friday, June 23, 2006


well here i am, unemployed, just wondering what to do next. Actually, i've been rather busy this week, though i'm not sure how much i've accomplished. I have aquired quite a tan, and have gotten a riduculous number of bills paid with my severance. Job i had lined up didn't work out, but that's ok. I'm finding that i'm enjoying my little break. Filed my unemployment and that will help fill the gaps in my dollars. Am on the hunt again for prospects. I'm thinking i'd like something on my feet. This week alone, just not being tied to a computer, i've lost about 5 pounds.
My best friend is still in Italy. Sounds like she's having a good time. We're gonna go visit my husband's mom this weekend. this is good. We always enjoy the visits. His little brother has a band as well which apparently will have a show on this weekend as well.
I've read a couple of good books. Mercedes Lackey is always good for an afternoon escape. Also picked up a copy of Proven Guilty, the most recent offering from my currently favorite author Jim Butcher. Turns out my little book store down the road does trades, so one of my projects now is to scour my bookshelves for items i'm unlikely to read again. They only take paper backs which is somewhat unfortunate, but understandable considering most people prefer them.
Just got back from a friend's wedding. Was a very nice affair. They opted to have theirs in the evening. We had perfect weather for it, and it cooled off just in time for the reception. Dustin took about 3 rolls of hard film , and most of a memory card worth of digital pics. Should get some good shots. I'm very excited for this particular couple. We've known them a while now, and have dinner or outings with them fairly often. They seem to make each other happy, and enough of a foundation to help them through the hard times.
Well, just wanted to leave a quick update, let ya'll know I'm still around

Saturday, June 10, 2006

End of Days

Today is Saturday, June 10th of the year Two Thousand and Six, and in just a few short days, the world as i know it shall see its Omega, and my time at my current place shall end. It is, perhaps, an insignificant ending in some ways. It was only ever, just another job. However, the experience gained , and the friendships made, are of infinite value. I can only hope that most of those friendships will survive. Already some have fallen dim, and only now and then are brushed free of the dust of time. This strange world of limbo, where one foot remained in the old place, but eyes were already turning towards the horizon, has brought new people into my life. People that were already there, at the edges of my knowledge. If not for this brief pause in the steady of rhythm of my life i might have missed them entirely, and though i would not have known it, i would have lost the opportunity to know a few great beings. I find some pending sorrow in my heart at saying goodbye to a place where i once found welcome, but i also know that all of us face great adventures in the coming days ahead.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

mack the knife

The fairy dances,
tiny toes tapping from leaf to leaf
She shakes her finger
and swivles her hips
the fireflies have caught the bug
they flicker in 4/4 time
the fairy laughs as they swirl around her.
The Moon sees this enchanting sepectacle
and wishes for a turn,
the Fairy misses a step when she feels a tap on her shoulder
then finds herself caught up by a Moonbeam
He spins her a merry turn,
leaves her breathless and tousled.
As the music fades away,
he brushes her with a silvery kiss
and shimmers away.
The Fairy plops down to sit
her cheeks rosey , with a grin bigger than she is.
and all unaware a human couple sway together
in the evening breeze.